All posts by Tonya Waber

2024 Scholarship Cars

This sport focuses on sportsmanship, dedication, and discipline. These kids are fierce competitors on the track but best friends off the track.  They are continually helping each other improve by giving pointers and recognizing accomplishments.  Many of these families show up for every race at our club and travel around the mid-west and nationally.  About half of our racers move on to race at bigger tracks around the state.  We have several alumni racing micro sprints, modifieds, and even one that joined the Nascar Truck racing series.

Are you ready to start this amazing new adventure? We provide the car, you get to race! Click below for more details!

2024 Track Sponsorship

Would you like your brand or business advertised at one of the most historic quarter midget tracks in the Midwest?  CQMA is celebrating its 64th season this year!  CQMA hosts numerous races throughout the year and is also part of the largest regional series in the United States. As a 2023 sponsor your business will be recognized at this event and all races throughout the year. You would be sponsoring kids ages 5 to 16 with a love for racing and having fun.  

Please consider one of the below options, we have several opportunities to choose from.

$150 T-shirt Sponsorship 

Your one color logo on our CQMA T-shirt 

Vendor may provide a small banner to be hung at every CQMA event 

$500 Series Sponsorship 

Your one color logo on our CQMA T-shirt 

A 3X6 banner hung during every CQMA event 

Vendor name announced during events 

Your full color logo on our website & promotion on Facebook 

-Limited availability for club scholarship car sponsorship

Your full color logo placed as main sponsor on a quarter midget car

Title Sponsor $1500 - ALREADY FILLED

We are also looking for a title sponsor for the entire series. The title sponsor gets all the benefits below and would be announced as CQMA presented by “_____ ”.  The title sponsor receives a significant amount of recognition and promotion throughout the entire year. 

Your one color logo on the front of the CQMA T-Shirt 

A 4X8 banner hung during every CQMA event 

Vendor name announced during events 

Your full color logo on our website & promotion on Facebook

All sponsorships are due by May 1st, 2024 to be eligible for t-shirt promotion.

*sponsorships turned in after May 1st, 2024 will receive Facebook promotion

Please contact Lindsey Sandin, [email protected] with any questions.

Sponsorship checks should be made out to CQMA and mailed to Lauren Koerner 24104 Dartmoor Dr Macomb, MI 48042.